1to1 Holistic Body Coaching

We work 1to1 with men and women who want to transform their body shape, health and performance as well as feel replenished, confident and energised in all areas of their life.

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We work 1to1 with men and women who want to transform their body shape, health and performance as well as feel replenished, confident and energised in all areas of their life.

How Gianni’s holistic coaching works..

I meet with you in person or virtually to discuss your goals and help you vision a better you.

From there I prepare tailored plans for you with the daily habits, education, meal plans and exercise plans you need to implement healthy change whether that be fat loss, muscle gain or both. These plans change as you progress.

Each week you will checkin via our app and I will send you a video response, tailoring your nutrition, water intake, step count, sleep and exercise plans as you progress.

You have our full unlimited private support on whatsapp chat for any questions you may have.

In addition you'll be able to access our fortnightly group sessions. From group gym sessions to group walks and sea dips, these are educational, social and fun events.

Who’s holistic body coaching for?

Holistic coaching is designed to offer a flexible and sustainable approach to achieving your vision. 

Maybe you’re a beginner, maybe you have basic mobility issues or maybe your an elite athlete. Holistic coaching effects your entire well-being; body, mind, confidence and more, ultimately improving your life holistically.

Why Gianni?

Gianni’s vision for helping individuals has always been about the collaboration and partnership between the coach and you. We will not push you into a one-size-fits-all approach, we will not put you on a yo-yo diet, we will not put your body under unnecessary stress or medication, but instead collaborate with you to find the most sustainable approach that suits you best in order to achieve excellent results whilst being kind to your body.

It’s about you..

Have you felt the call to transform your body shape and mindset?

Are you ready to commit to elevating your well-being, confidence and self-care?

Would you love the support and accountability from somebody who believes that movement, nourishing food, hydration, mindset, community, play, pleasure and confidence are all vital, important areas of your life (that person is G!)

What kind of results can you expect?

1to1 coaching is about the results that you need and want, here are some of the results we’ve assisted our clients to make.

  • Reduction in body fat by as much as 15%.
  • Increase in muscle mass by as much as 10%.
  • Reversal of diabetic and pre-diabetic diagnosis.
  • Reduction in resting heart rate.

How to purchase?

You can pay per month a fee of £275.

Alternatively you can pay for 3 months in advance for a discount at £799.

After the 3 months commitment you will get a reduction in investment to £200.

If you stay beyond 6 months it reduces to £175.

If you’d like to discuss this with me first please book a call.

Finance if required can be arranged with Conister Bank.

If these options are out of your budget you may like to see our self-coaching packages or subscribe to our free email tips.

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Clients who've used our 1to1 coaching packages.

Would recommend without hesitation and think it’s testament enough that I’ve used him twice in 3/4 years!
Dom Winrow
Starting the program with G gave me focus, knowledge and accountability, something which I needed to get where I wanted to be.
Meghan Pilley
Had such a great experience working with Gianni to reduce body fat and maintain lean muscle, in order to benefit my athletics.
My goal was to get in shape for my wedding day, and thanks to Gianni, I achieved just that. Even with occasional deviations from the plan, his support and expertise kept me on track, leading to fantastic results.
I’ve always enjoyed sports but decided it was time to invest in a coach and G was exactly what I was looking for. I learnt about macros and progression overload and he introduced me to some wicked tasty recipes!!
Christopher Daine
G doesn’t just “help you lose weight”, he listens to what you want to achieve and how to make it part of your daily lifestyle, so you can still enjoy your social events, and personally for me, helped manage and deal with the everyday stresses of life in general.
Jane Leach
I am now the leanest and strongest that I have been in my entire life (not bad for a 42 year old with previous bad back issues, a Mother of 2 young children and full time office worker).
If I can consistently follow Gianni’s program and get results, then anyone can!
Aaron Sharman
Any time I had a query or wanted to change something on my diet he was always on hand and extremely enthusiastic to change anything to suit me. I couldn’t recommend him enough
Everything was really easy to incorporate in my daily routine. The improvement with my focus, well being and energy levels increased each week.
Matthew Brand
My only real goal was to be better with my nutrition. I never thought in such a small amount of time I’d see the changes I have. What you put in is what you get out and I now have the tools to make things work for me.
Kyle Casement
I can now enjoy eating out, nights out and the odd take away without any effect! Along the way it was so easy to keep on track with his program and track my progress, never at any point did I feel I was going backwards with the easy online check-ins and great response from personal messages!
Charlie Burton
He really goes above and beyond to ensure you see the results you want.
Gianni has provided me with all the tools to completely transform my physique. His professionalism, dedication and motivation is second too none.
Anyone with a stressful work commitments but are willing to commit to their physical & mental goals; Gianni can really help you with this process.
Moral of the story is, I am the most unorganised, all over the place human even I know, but with Gianni's ridiculously impeccable support and non-complicated guidance I can honestly say I'm the most confident in myself that I ever have been!